Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has allowed Tunisian doctors to enter Yasser Arafat's compound in the West Bank to treat him for the flu, officials there told FOX News.
Three Tunisian doctors were headed to Arafat's Ramallah headquarters, where the 75-year-old Palestinian leader has been confined since after the second intifada began four years ago.
"The president is in good health. He is suffering from a cold," a Tunisian representative was quoted as saying in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. "There is nothing to worry about."
But sources told FOX News the Palestinian Liberation Organization leader's condition has seriously deteriorated since Friday, when Israeli TV first reported he had the flu. Palestinian sources said that if the doctors determine Arafat needs surgery he will be flown to an overseas hospital.
While it is unseemly to take joy in another's pain, I will shed no tears when Arafat dies.
What a cold thing to say, Dave. Will the Israeli-Palestinian peace process be better off with him out of the picture? Yes. Will there be less Palestinian terrorist attacks? I don't know. Does that mean you should take satisfaction in his death?
While one should not take joy in another's pain, it is okey-dokey to take joy in the alleviation of another's pain. And by my math, ridding the world of Arafat would alleviate pain in Israel, where Arafat dispatches suicide bombers, and among Palestinians, whose interests Arafat has routinely sabotaged in his efforts to keep his kleptocracy going.
I think the removal of this cause of much suffering could very well justify a little joy, if one were so inclined.
If i may be so bold as to speak for Dave, andrew.
I think dave was refering to the deep beliefs that arafet has. No one wants to see anyone suffer with an aging, failing body. It is much better for that person to pass own to the next life where they will recive the fruits of their labor in this world. Since anti-captialist, pro-democratic persons (by the use of the world persons i do not mean to offend any enitty that may or may not consider itself a person, or not to impose human noramitve sterotypes on any person) do not belive in the afterworld, dave's comments may be misunderstood.
Arafat is better off dead, just an an aging grandmother would be.
Actually Cube, my thoughts are more along the lines of Arafat will be better dead, just like Hitler is better dead.
I am also glad that Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot are dead.
I will also be pleased when Saddam, Osama Bin Laden, and Zarqawi are dead.
amen, and my god, allah, or his ancestors carry arafats soul to heaven.
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