Latest Swift Boat ads
The ads can be found here. They are interesting in that while there is certainly some focus on Kerry, a lot of the two newest ads focus on why they Vets are doing this and are somewhat of a rubuttal to the idea that this is a purely partisan attack. Update: Read this interview with America's most highly decorated soldier, who appears in these ads. Teaser:
Col. Bui Tin of the North Vietnamese government said words to this effect: that every day, the North Vietnamese listened to the radio to see what was happening back here in the United States. And what they heard from Kerry was exactly the kind of propaganda that they wanted to hear, because their claim was they were going to win this war on the streets of San Francisco and New York City. And it was clear that John Kerry was helping them do that. That was also part of the Soviet Union's disinformation program, which was saying exactly the same thing that John Kerry was saying… He basically functioned as a propaganda minister for both the Russians and the North Vietnamese. He basically was advocating that the Communists win.
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