Blaming the Victim
I haven't previously commented on Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh's brutal killing by muslim extremists in the Netherlands because I didn't have anything meaningful to add. It was a tradgedy, the sort of which we have become all to familiar. Indeed, perhaps the greatest tradgedy is that such events, while still inspiring horror, no longer inspire surprise. The editorial on the Index on Censorship is simply disgusting though. According to the author, Theo Van Gogh got exactly what he deserved and indeed, what he desired. I have no words to express my disgust.
It's amazing, the ability of some people to try and rationalize the unrationalizable, which I recognize is probably not a word.
And, of course, people who would otherwise stand up and help wipe this plague away from the Netherlands may think twice, because this kind of cover makes it easier for the thugs to practice their violent editing.
It is amazing on how many levels this pisses me off.
First, the lack of defense of free speech.
Second, the racism inherent in the idea that he goaded the muslims into it and they couldn't help themselves.
Third, the smug self-righteousness
Forth, the way he demeans Ayann Hirsi Ali.
Fifth, the general lack of respect for the dead.
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