Fallujah update
Iraqi troops retaking the city of Falluja have found hostage "slaughterhouses" where people were held captive and beheaded, an Iraqi military official said Wednesday. Soldiers have found CDs labeled "beheading of ..." and showing the beheadings of hostages. Black clothing and masks worn by the kidnappers when they made the videos were found, along with banners hoisted in the background, according to Iraqi and U.S. military officials. Soldiers said it was apparent that numerous killings had taken place there.This is the method of war the Iraqi Insurgents have chosen to wage. It is competely barbaric, and obviously fails to live up to the standards set by the Geneva convention. We cannot afford to let Iraq fall into the hands of these sort of thugs. And these tacics are continuing. Reuters:
As if the pressure on Iraq's prime minister were not already enough, three of his close relatives have now been abducted and threatened with death. Islamic militants have kidnapped Iyad Allawi's 75-year-old cousin, his cousin's wife and their daughter-in-law and have threatened to behead them in 48 hours unless Allawi calls off the offensive on the rebel city of Falluja, west of Baghdad.I am fairly sure that Allawi, although personally very troubled by these events, understands that to give into this sort of demand can only result in continuation of this tactic. I grieve for the victims in this situation.
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