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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Eugene Volokh on Designer Babies

Eugene Volokh has an interesting post on choosing genetic characteristics for children. Basically he says, and I agree with him, that this doesn't seem like a bad thing at all. The only risk I can see is that certain traits may become so popular that the genetic diversity of the species itself is lowered and we lose something as a species that was valuable in a way we didn't realize. I view this risk as being fairly small though, and the same technology can theoretically give us traits that are desirable that we would have never had otherwise. Humanity has largely overcome the limits of our evolution by applying culture, rather than genetics, toward overcoming environmental limitations. This step seems to hold even greater potential in that regard.


Blogger Man of Issachar said...

while i agree with you.

their is somthing to the point that somthing will be lost. Neapolean was very short. short people tend to have unsusal characterictics that make then unique. If we were allowed to choose the traits of our children, height would proably the be the frist to go after IQ.

I do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but our culture would definatly change. Whearther it will change for the best or the worst is the question?

12/14/2004 03:22:00 PM  

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