More on Israeli Settlements
Crosblog has a good post with some very relevant links on the Israeli settlement issue. I stand by my opinion that Israel should stop building settlements in the occupied territories and do their best to accomodate the removal of existing settlements. This has less in my mind to do with the right, or lack thereof, of the Israeli settlements to resist, but because I believe it is the only pragmatic course toward peace. It is fair to say that the this path may not succeed in peace, hostility toward Israel has been taught in the Arab world for generations now, but it is worth some sacrifices for. Obviously though the dispossed settlers should be compensated. Perhaps the Saudis, who we all know have the interest of the Palestinians at the front of their minds will provide this compensation to help this cause they care so deeply for. Yes, that last bit was sarcasm.
I agree - it ain't gonna be easy, and Israel is going to have to give up land they feel entitled to for peace to ever have a real chance. That said, I still believe the Palestinian plan is to pocket any concessions Israel makes and continue to work towards they day when they have the horses to take the whole country. With that in mind, there's a part of me that says the second some Palestinian talks about having "driven the Zionists out of the West Bank", Israel should go right back in, build a new settlement, and name it after the guy.
There are some Israelis that want peace, and there are some Palestinians who want peace, but their are also those on both sides who simply want to exterminate the other side.
Yeah, the Palestinians are MORE guilty of this, but it is a difference of degree, not kind. you really think giving away the "settlements" will result in peace with the Palestinians? As I commented in my email,only one side of the conflict is interested in a true peace.The Palestinians on the other hand will,as Gib states,do everything in their power to destroy Israel.But what amazes me is that knowledgeable people still don't get it.After all,shouldn't "Oslo" and "Wye" have proven that peace with the Palestinians is pure fantasy!? Hevron,the second holiest place in Judaism was given up for...promises by Bibi.Did you know that in Islam any promise to an enemy may be reniged?Rabin(z"l) did everything.I saw the pain in his eyes when he shook hands with Chairman Evil.Believe me,if he heard some of the things being said within the Israeli Left elite today he'd shudder from disgust.What strikes me as a bit looney too is that most Israelis outside of your so called "settlements" would agree with you, Justus.As for me,I think we should be doing exactly what Sharon is planning on-that is grab as much of Judea and Samaria as possible in return for Gush Katif while it's still ours.
I don't know if giving away the settlements will result in peace. I don't know that I would even phrase the question as giving away the settlements.
Obviously, many Palestinians do not want peace, they simply want to drive the Israelis into the sea. I believe though that some do want peace, but they can have no Peace with an Israel that is trying to grab as much of their land as possible.
Unfortunately, some Israeli's do not want peace either. It appears that to them the Palestinians are vermin to be exterminated in their quest to gain as much territory as they can. The extemists on both sides want the conflict to continue while those who want peace end up being marginilized.
Historically of course conflict has often been settled most often by one side completely triumphing over the other. With the losers being driven away from their land or killed. I suppose if Israel wants to follow this model, it has the right, but I for one support Israel because I believe it is a nation with by and large a good moral character. Prove me wrong and my support (and that of many others I believe) would cease.
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