Privatising Social Security
Andrew Sullivan has posted an argument by Michael Kinsley against social security privatizaation. Donald Luskin has, to my mind, a pretty compelling response. What it boils down to, in my mind, is their are two kinds of people. Some think that the economic pic is of fixed size and are focused on making sure that everyone gets the same size of peice. The others believe that the pie can and does grow, and that everyone getting the same size peice is less important than everyone getting bigger pieces. I freely admit to being in the second category. This debate can also be seen in arguments over globalization. I have also been working through a post on Social Security in general in the back of my head. It isn't ready yet (who knows, it may never be) but if anyone wants to comment on what the purpose of Social Security is in their mind and how well (or poorly) it meets that goal it would be of great interest to me.
social security was designed to help all the old people who lost everything in the great depression. many people's pensions were lost due to the stock market crash.
Simple as that. It has stayed stagent and grown old just as the people who fed it are going to do.
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