More on Torture
THE BELGRAVIA DISPATCH has a bunch of interesting links and points to make about Torture and the Gonzales hearings. Also of interest, although supporting the other side, is the old Den Beste post that one of the commentators pointed out. In many ways the debate we as a nation are having on this issue is a disappointment, probably because it is such an emotional topic. Part of the blame lies in the fact that many, on both sides, either are currently or have in the past, used this sort of thing as an attempt to score political points rather than to analyze the issues and work toward a resonable consensus. Another interesting problem in this debate is the frequent conflation between what we can do (legally, ethically) and what we should do (pragmatically.) It seems to me that it is best to work out what can be done in various situations first, and then work out what it the best pragmatic choice within those limitations. Many though it seem have a prefered pragmatic solution and engage in logical contortions to show that only their particular pragmatic solution is a legal/moral option. As with many issues, I tend to bounce back and forth to a certain extent. Their are good arguements on both sides of this debate.
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