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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Hi Dave,
I was getting concerned there for a few days...the sun had risen and set and still no new posts from u:) Anyhow, I finally figured out how to post pic's and I'd like to repost the U.N. chart on my blog. Please e-mail and let me know if this would be cool with u.
There should be a disclaimer - "Does not apply when alleged human rights violation is committed by Israel...who are we kidding there's no such thing as an "alleged" Israeli human rights violations, there are only Israeli human rights violations."
gib...and I suppose you're an authority on the Arab-Israeli conflict like most of the highly intelligent liberals you hand around with.
I believe your sarcasm detector has failed you. Gib is certainly not a liberal and most definately not anti-Israel.
However, the U.N. is both.
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